Every Hour Counts

A few days before Christmas, Leah and I were talking about resolutions or lack there of. I’ve never been good at setting or keeping resolutions. Ultimately we came up with the idea to plan out something to do for an hour everyday each month of 2019.

I was really excited about that idea when we were discussing it but now it’s January 1st and I’m not so excited anymore.

Goals terrfiy me because I feel like my health gets in the way of them and I never finish what I set out to and end up feeling defeated and worthless…

but drumroll… in January I’m gonna try to write for an hour a day.

If I can stick to that, maybe by the end of the month I’ll finally write the “Part 2” to Nashville weekend in June. I also hope to turn “Celebrating Life” in October into blogs also and there’s about 5 half written blogs just hanging out in my word press account that I’d like to feel good enough about to post.

I can hear my Journalism professor in my ear telling me all those things are old news and no longer matter but I still want to say them and this isn’t Journalism class this is real life, there’s no deadlines for this blog.

Posting something is better than nothing and I’ve neglected this blog a lot. I haven’t posted since August.

It’s easier to shut down than it is to put yourself out there especially when you’re just trying to survive and so much of the past few months have been just trying to survive.

I love to write but I’ve never had the courage or confidence to call myself a writer. I turned that part of my brain off when I came home from Belmont a few years ago but last year I started writing again and realized I feel better about myself when I have and utilize that outlet even if no one reads them. Although I hope people will read them.

In 2019 or at least January I’m gonna say all the things I’ve been too afraid to say and if January is successful maybe I’ll keep this up all year.

I’m honestly terrified to post this but I can sit here and come up with every reason why it won’t work or I can see if it does.

Stay tuned…

IMG_1192 -Hannah

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